Thursday, September 13


There is a small spider that creeps into an anthill and lives undercover among its enemies. To avoid detection, it changes its appearances and behaviours so as not to be noticed. This is important because if they are disturbed, ants can become quite vicious. Since the spider has a body different from the ant, this poses quite a challenge.

The ant has six legs and two antennae, while the spider has eight legs and no antennae. So how does the spider makes itself to be an ant? Well, it runs about the anthill on six legs and it projects its other two legs so that they appear to be antennae.

Furthermore, the spider moves its two imitation antennae quite credible. It wiggles them in such a way that they are mistaken for an ants’ antennae. This master of disguise can even imitate the jerky, zigzagging walk of the ants!

The spider tries to be the perfect ant in everyway, since being recognize as a resident of the anthill is vital to its safety, within the anthill the spider receives protection from its natural enemies, including spiderwaps, songbirds, which consider the spider a delicacy, also leave it alone. Even spider that hunts other spiders is fooled by the “antennae” of the imitator.


Yet, if a bird, lizard, or some other creature attacks the ant community, the spider quickly assumes it true identity and escapes. Spiders have better sight than ants, and they can jump, while ants cannot – all of which makes escape easier for them. During the day, the spider does its best to remain undetected within the anthill. At night, however, it is active and will catch ants inside the very anthill in which it makes it home!

If the spider activity is discovered it takes advantage of its eight legs and escape speedily.

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