Friday, September 14


Being different is actually about being who you really are. So what does all of this mean for you, the individual.
It’s not that you need to be different just for the sake of it.That’s what hipsters do.
Being different means embracing who you are and showing that to the whole world.
Because you’re proud of it, because you’re proud of what you’re really like and what you want to achieve. It’s not because you want to pretend to be something else so people accept you. So that they love you. So that they “Like” your post in order for you to show the world that you are someone to take note of.
Different is awesome. It’s a huge part of what makes us human. We’re all unique.
If we were the same the vibrancy in how we live our lives would never be experienced.
Differences create new ideas and perspectives.
They are the reason we can experience such beautiful emotions like happiness, sadness, heartache, joy, excitement, fear. All of these things that help make us who we are.

Showing off that difference matters too. It matters to your friends, to your family and in a professional sense, it matters at work.
Things are changing – and changing quickly. People are getting tired of the same political players that are just out for themselves.
They want to work with people that are like them. That aren’t afraid to show a bit of humanity.
That aren’t so focused on hiding any weaknesses they believe they have because they think it puts them at a disadvantage.
It’s easy to hide behind a mask at work because it helps you fit in, or positions you above your peer. While it might be harder, it’s far more rewarding to show people who you really are.
Maybe I’m being too romantic about all of this. Maybe all of this will just come across as a bit of a crazy rant.
But what I do know is that our humanity is our strongest asset. If we focus more on hiding that away then showing it, then what is our future really going to look like?
A sensational quote I came across was this: “It’s just better to be yourself than to try to be some version of what you think the other person wants.” How beautifully simple and powerful is that? And guess who said that? No, it wasn’t some scholar or one of those life coaches, it was none other than Matt Damon. For someone that actually finds it hard to be themselves, isn’t that worth listening to.

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